Read about the benefits and comfort of Smart electric fencing in the words of renowned Shetland sheep breeder Mr Roman Cieslar.
27. 04. - 30. 04. 2025
ANIMAL TECH will be held in 2025 together with the National Livestock Exhibition and the National Hunting Exhibition. This complex of fairs was created in cooperation with partners and co-organizers - professional associations, state administration, self-government and vocational education - and also according to the demand of companies in the field of machines and technologies for animal production.
The main topics of the fair are breeding, genetics, veterinary medicine, technology and agricultural technology for animal production. The fair is intended primarily for professionals - breeders, zootechnicians, farmers and veterinarians.
Visit us at our stand in the hall P/062, where, in addition to mains and DUO energizers, you will not miss our Smart Farm fencee products and several other novelties. You'll have the opportunity to find out more about the fencee Cloud app and the ability to control/monitor fencing remotely via mobile phone.
Do you need help? Mr. Tomáš Urban Key Account Manager
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