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Fence insulator with pest protection, arm length 40 cm

Fence insulator with pest protection, arm length 40 cm

Fence insulator with pest protection, arm length 40 cm

Product´s description Fence insulator with pest protection, arm length 40 cm

Insulator against unwanted climbing pests for installation on fences with double horizontal wire.

Ideal for Plus-Minus style electric fence wiring, so-called without earthing.

Features of the 40 cm long anti-climbing fence insulator:

  • For easy and quick installation on fences with double horizontal wire - wire thickness 6/5/6 and 8/6/8
  • Can be used flexibly and snapped into any part of the fence at any distance you choose
  • Offers reliable protection against unauthorised fence climbing
  • Suitable for electric fence wires, ideally fence green wire
  • Tool-free and fence-friendly installation
  • Suitable for common fence sizes

What does Positive-Negative electric fence mean and what is it mostly used for? The Pos-Neg is called no ground, in short it means that the animal does not have to be in contact with the ground to receive an electric shock. It is most often used to fight against predators and pests, such as martens or weasels, that try to get into your homes, roofs and land.

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