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Solar panel fencee 200 W for electric fencing

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Toxic material
fencee Cloud
15 J

Solar electric fence kit - 15 J Smart RF energizer and remote control + 200 W panel + controller + 95 Ah battery

Power source: 230 V ~ / 12 V
Energizer consumption 230 V: 6 - 21 W
Energizer consumption 12 V: 200 - 1250 mA

Product detail
fencee Cloud
12 J

Smart Farm electric fence system – RF energizer 12 J – WiFi Gateway GW100 – Monitor MX10

Energizer consumption 230 V: 6 - 17 W
Energizer consumption 12 V: 200 - 1000 mA
Output energy: 12 J

Product detail

Product´s description Solar panel fencee 200 W for electric fencing

Photovoltaic solar panels convert the sun's light energy into DC electricity. The solar panels are used to recharge a 12 V battery. Depending on the power and consumption of the energizer, it is recommended to choose adequate solar panel power. This is to ensure that the battery can be recharged even on less sunny days.

Do not connect the solar panel directly to the energizer or the battery - always use a regulator to avoid destroying the device.

The 200 W solar panel is suitable for energizers with an output power of over 7 J

Solar panel for recharging the electric fence energizer. The 200 W solar panel is suitable for energizers with an output power of over 7 J.

We recommend mounting the panels using special mounting brackets on the energizer boxes we offer or on ground screws holders for solar panels.

Solar panel placement, installation and maintenance

Select a suitable, unshaded location for mounting the solar panel. The panel must be oriented towards the south, as perpendicular to the sun as possible, at an angle of approximately 40°. Connect the connection connectors with the correct polarity to the regulator. Keep the panel surface clean. If necessary, clean the panel's glass surface with water and a soft sponge or cloth.


Parameters of the 200 W solar panel:

  • Maximum power (Pmax) 200 W
  • Maximum current (Imp) 11.02 A
  • Maximum voltage (Vmp) 18.15 V
  • No-load voltage (Voc) 21.57 V
  • Short circuit current (Isc) 11.69 A
  • Dimensions (mm) 1100 × 890 × 30
  • Operating temperature range -40°C ~ +85°C
  • Standard Test Aditions AM=1.5 E=1000W/m2 TC=25°C

Features of 200 W solar panel:

  • The efficiency of high-quality and high-efficiency monocrystalline silicon wafers can reach up to 22%.
  • Shingle welding process, beautiful and neat.
  • Using tempered glass, high transparency.
  • EVA anti-corrosion treatment effectively protects the battery panel.
  • Strong and wind and snow-resistant, unique technology to prevent water from freezing in the frame and deformation.
  • Packed in one box, with protective corners on all four corners.

Dimension 1100 × 890 × 30 cm
Max. voltage 18,15 V
Max. power 200 W
Max. current 11,02 A

Manuals and files for downloading

Manual - Solar panels 40, 100, 200 W


Go to How-to guide

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