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New electric fence energizers from a Czech producer

New electric fence energizers from a Czech producer

"We know that the traditional fencing concept that customers are used to is functional, but we wanted to do it differently. We were able to take a traditional product in a new way." With these words, the owner of the company began to describe the way the new type of electric fence and the whole idea for the new product came about. "We have been able to break new ground in the area we started in, which is electronic dog training collars," he continues.

VNT electronics s.r.o. was founded by Jiří Novák twenty-one years ago. Under the brand Dogtrace, he sells electronic training aids for dogs at home and abroad. All ideas and the resulting products are produced in the Czech Republic, currently at the new VNT electronics headquarters in Lanškroun. However, thanks to our own development and production, we have learned how to proceed and create complete device designs ourselves. Thanks to the success of the Dogtrace brand, the company has been able to develop further and over the last few years has focused on the development of fencing equipment, resulting in a new Czech brand of fencee generators, which was launched on the Czech market this year.
We asked Jiří Novák a few questions.

What gave you the idea to produce fence generators?

The first idea was born when my daughter was riding horses. During races you need to ensure the safety of the horses and therefore you need to build a mobile corral for the horses, that's when I became interested in such equipment. Basically, my partner Ing. Jan Horák started to deal with the topic of fencing already ten years ago, we saw the potential in this area where our company could go in the future. But at that time we were working on the development of other products.

What was the most difficult part of the development process?

I wouldn't say the hardest, but it is very difficult to bring together all the inputs and information during the development of any new product to create a working whole in the end. With the fencing specifically, it was a matter of bringing together several levels of development in different areas where we are talking about Power Management, high voltage control and many other areas of electronics. We have succeeded in doing that and I am very happy with the product we have created.

What features does fencee have over the competition?

For a very affordable price, we offer customers features that significantly more expensive devices have compared to the competition. First of all, the safe switching function with the on/off button directly on the body of the fence, as well as very bright LEDs for good visibility, which help the customer to see what state the fence is currently in. At the heart of the whole device is a modern series of microprocessors that monitor and control all functions and optimal performance of the fence in real time.

What does fencee bring compared to other products?

We aim for products that bring improvements to existing functions and ensure safety of use compared to the competition. The overall concept of fencee that we want to bring to our customers includes new solutions that I don't want to reveal at the moment. Having been in the electronics development business for many years, we want to further leverage our experience. We will provide customers with modern technology at an affordable price, which we will apply to the traditional product, which is the electric fence. We have projects planned with, for example, zoos, where they use dozens of fencing devices, and there is a need for a comprehensive solution and control of such devices. Throughout the process, we worked with an agricultural college to test our devices and gather input for further development. We always try to participate in the development with our customers, because in the end the product must serve them well, and its continued success in the marketplace depends on it.

Do you manufacture everything yourself?

Yes. It is also our goal to manage the quality of our products and all components. Historically, we have learned our lesson and know that it is very important to control the entire production and development process so that we can directly influence it. We have already built the Dogtrace brand, where we produce electronic training aids for dogs, and we have gained a lot of experience during its development. The subsidiary assembles circuit boards for us and we also have a very good knowledge of the components and their qualities. This allows us to work efficiently during product development.

Do you sell on the Czech market or also abroad?

Ironically, we started selling fencee first on the foreign market, where we have very strong partners. Since the beginning of this year, we have also started selling in the Czech Republic. The onset of spring brought, as we expected, an increase in sales and we believe that we will continue to do so. We are still a medium-sized company, not a multinational colossus where it is all about numbers. We are therefore trying to communicate information and the overall idea of fencee effectively throughout the company, so that our employees in production know what they are working on.

What are your future plans?

Overall, we are trying to move towards the further development of all fencee model lines. As I have already mentioned, we are working on a modern concept for wider use in the agricultural and hobby segment. We will certainly be influenced by our customers' suggestions. We always try to take them into account and respond to their needs.

Characteristics of fencee generators and their applications

The fencee generators operate at the microprocessor level using Smart Control technology, which monitors and controls the functions and performance of the entire system in real time. This feature allows us to work efficiently with the input voltage, converting it to the highest possible efficiency without unnecessary losses. This results in intelligent control of the energy consumption of the entire system. This leads to an overall reduction in the cost of running the enclosure. From basic features such as high product durability, we offer features for increased protection of animals and the surrounding area. Intelligent electronics with SafeShock technology ensure safe fencing while you can rely on the fencee's resources to deliver maximum performance.

The fencee mini series is applicable for short to medium fences and especially for more sensitive animals such as dogs, cats, horses. The compact modern design of the fencee with a switch and the latest microprocessor technology inside offers a practical solution and allows for easy installation. An LED light on the front indicates the operation of the power supply and any malfunction on the fence. A special product is the fencee mini M02, which is designed for short fences and especially as a protection against small predators such as martens, otters or weasels, or to restrict the movement of smaller domestic animals.

The fencee power sources are applicable for short, medium and long fences and are suitable for smaller and larger animals such as horses, cattle, sheep, goats, poultry and as protection against game. The compact modern design of the fence with a switch and the latest microprocessor technology inside offers a practical solution and will reliably guard any fence.

The fencee power DUO are universally applicable for short, medium and long fences and are suitable for both more and less sensitive animals such as horses, cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, as well as protection against game or small pests. Power supply is possible from 230 V mains via an adapter or from a standard 12V battery, also usable as a backup power supply. The LED lights and Bargraph on the front of the generator show the operation of the power supply, measure the voltage on the fence and also indicate any malfunction on the fence. Automatic optimization of operation, the possibility of switching power and very low consumption are other advantages of this generator.

Nina Novák, BA (Hons)
VNT electronics s.r.o.

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